Teen Science Fiction/Fantasy Short Story Contest
Contest Rules
Authors must be in the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade and not over the age of 18.
1. Entries must be short stories 1500 words or less. Stories must be Science Fiction/Fantasy. (All short stories must be clean family-oriented stories)
2. Entries must be typed double spaced, one side only, on 8 ½” x 11” white paper, with 1” margins. Please use either Courier or Times Roman type fonts, 12 point.
3. Each story must have a cover sheet containing only:
- The name of the story.
- The author’s name.
- Student Grade.
- The author’s/parent’s complete address.
- The author’s/parent’s telephone number.
- The author’s/parent’s e-mail address.
- Story word count.
4. The author’s name should NOT appear anywhere in the story document.
5. If sent by e-mail, the cover sheet and the story sheet should be sent as separate .doc file attachments, but in the same e-mail. Please submit to netwoteenshortstorycontest@gmail.com
6. Entries sent by PDF will NOT be considered.
7. Each story page must have a header containing the title of the story. Pages should be numbered in either the header or footer.
8. Entries must be previously unpublished short stories written in English by the person whose name is on the cover sheet. Published on-line is considered published.
9. Failure to follow all the contest rules will result in disqualification.
Please Submit between:
August 01, 2024 to November 15, 2024
- Level one: grades - 5th & 6th
- Level two: grades - 7th & 8th
- Level three: grades - 9th & 10th
- Level four: grades - 11th & 12th
First place for each level is $50.00.
Second place for each level is $25.00.
Third place for each level is $15.00.
Entry is Free
Entry Deadline:
Midnight November 15, 2024.
Judges’ score sheets will be returned to the author.
Judges will remain anonymous.
Winners will be announced at a special reception on December 12, 2024 coordinated through the NorthEast Texas Writers’ Organization.

Mail submissions to:
P.O. Box 962
Mt. Pleasant, Texas 75455